Medical and Health

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A white awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
White Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A teal awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Teal Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A red, white, and blue awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Red White Blue Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A lime colored awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Lime Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A pearl colored awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Pearl Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A pink awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Pink Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
An orange awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Orange Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A light blue awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Light Blue Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A lavender awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Lavender Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A hot pink awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Hot Pink Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A grey awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Grey Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A green colored awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Green Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A cream colored awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Cream Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A blue and yellow awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Burgundy Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A blue and yellow awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Blue Yellow Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A blue awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Blue Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A black awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Black Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A multi-colored autism awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Autism Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A bandaid covers a bloody area in this clipart.
Bandaid Covering Blood
Presentation Clipart
A pig wears an isolation mask in this medical-themed clipart.
Pig With Protective Mask
Presentation Clipart
A question mark is surrounded by green arrows in this clipart.
Question Direction
Presentation Clipart
A spiral staircase leads to a door open to a cloudy sky in this clipart.
Stairs Spiral To Sky
Presentation Clipart
A pig points to the words "swine flu" in this health-related clipart.
Pig Pointing Swine Flu Giant Text
Presentation Clipart
A pig points at an H1N1 sign in this medical clipart.
Pig Pointing H1n1 Giant Text
Presentation Clipart
A pig chases a world wearing a mask in this medical clipart.
Pig Chasing World With Mask
Presentation Clipart
A conference table surrounded by six chairs has a light bulb morphing out of its center in this business clip art.
Conference Idea
Presentation Clipart
A conference table surrounded by six chairs has a question mark morphing out of its center in this business clipart.
Conference Question
Presentation Clipart
A 3D Male Figure Turning A Custom Page Clipart with editing tools to customize the design and make it your own.
3D Male Figure Turning A Custom Page - Customizable Mockup
Presentation Clipart
A 3D Custom Awareness Ribbon In Hand Clipart with editing tools to customize the design and make it your own.
3D Custom Awareness Ribbon In Hand - Customizable Mockup
Presentation Clipart
A cartoon stork delivers an newborn baby.
Delivery Stork with Basket of Joy
Presentation Clipart

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