3D Figures and Characters

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A business fox is thinking, then is happy when they get an idea.
Business Fox Female Emote Thinking
PowerPoint Animation
A female business fox leans into view and waves.
Business Fox Female Peek A Boo Wave
PowerPoint Animation
A male business fox leans into view and points.
Business Fox Male Peek A Boo Point
PowerPoint Animation
A female business fox leans into view and points.
Business Fox Female Peek A Boo Point
PowerPoint Animation
A robot paces back and forth until it comes up with an idea.
Retro Robot Pacing Success
PowerPoint Animation
A frustrated robot paces back and forth.
Retro Robot Pacing Frustrated
PowerPoint Animation
A robot leans into view, sees your design and points.
Retro Robot Peek And Point
PowerPoint Animation
A robot looks around, then pulls a sign out with your custom design on it.
Retro Robot Custom Sign
PowerPoint Animation
A robot leans into view, looks at your design and gives a thumbs up.
Retro Robot Side Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
A robot uses a large magnifying glass to search around.
Retro Robot Searching
PowerPoint Animation
A robot leans in from behind your design and waves.
Retro Robot Peek And Wave
PowerPoint Animation
A robot pops up and looks down at your work, then gives two thumbs-up in approval.
Retro Robot Peek Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
A shiny retro-robot scratches its head in confusion.
Retro Robot Emote Confused
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of Grant taking a photo using a smartphone.
Grant Taking Pictures Smart Phone
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of Kim taking a photo using a smartphone.
Kim Taking Pictures Smart Phone
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of Ethan holding phone up searching for a cell phone signal.
Ethan Cant Find Service
PowerPoint Animation
This custom sign character animation shows a character named Data revealing a sign from behind back.  You can customize this sign by adding your changing or adding text and adding your logo image.
Data Showing Custom Sign
PowerPoint Animation
Data has a look around and gives a nod before giving a thumbs up gesture.
Data Emote Appreciation
PowerPoint Animation
Data emerges from behind an imaginary wall, and gives a wave.  Use this cheery animation to greet people at the beginning of a presentation along with a fun message to say welcome.
Data Peek-A-Boo Wave
PowerPoint Animation
In this animation the character Data is looking around and pondering with a large magnifying glass.  Use this magnify glass search animation to accompany a message about examining, investigating, or searching for something.
Data Emote Searching
PowerPoint Animation
Data appears from behind an imaginary wall, takes a look around, and then gives two thumbs up.
Data Peek-A-Boo Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
Data appears from behind an imaginary wall, has a look around, and points inward.
Data Peek And Point
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman checks her phone as she waits for something.
Business Talia Emote Waiting
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman enjoys a good laugh.
Business Talia Emote Laughing
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman wearing boxing gloves raises her hands in victory.
Business Woman Boxing Gloves Victory
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman wearing boxing gloves shows her frustration at defeat.
Business Woman Boxing Gloves Defeat
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman wearing boxing gloves does a little shadow boxing.
Business Woman Boxing Gloves Punch
PowerPoint Animation
Jerry raises his hands in the air and pumps his fists with celebration and excitement.
Jerry Emote Excited
PowerPoint Animation
Jerry scratches his head while looking around, gives a shrug, and then places his hands on his waist in confusion.
Jerry Emote Confused
PowerPoint Animation
Jerry the business alien teleports in, looks around and sees he's in the wrong place, then teleports away.
Jerry Teleport
PowerPoint Animation

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