Business and Finance

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An animation of a stick figure thinking with gears turning on top of head.
Stick Figure Wheels Turning
PowerPoint Animation
The power level on this battery goes from full to empty.
Battery Level Going Up and Down
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a blue stick figure typing on a laptop.
Stick Figure Working Laptop Desk
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a student / employee learning through an online classroom.
Online Computer Classroom
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a world revolving with a students learning.
Online Learning Worldwide
PowerPoint Animation
Stick figure cranks machine to produce a pile of dollar symbols. This clip-art displays someone laboring to make a profit.
Stick Figure Cranking Out Money
PowerPoint Animation
This animated clip art shows a smart phone waiting on a command to finish.
Smart Phone Loading Media
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a red rubber stamp marked with the word classified.
Rubber Stamp Classified
PowerPoint Animation
An animated 3D stick figure juggles three clocks in a time management concept.
Figure Juggling Time
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a black laptop with eyes searching around.
Black Laptop Spy Watching
PowerPoint Animation
A animated figure blows kisses to the audience and takes a bow.  You can control the number of times this animation will play by using the Number of Loops function in the customizer to the left.
Bow And Blow Kisses
PowerPoint Animation
A animated group of stick figure people clapping together.  A concept of appreciation or congratulations.  You can change the color of the center stick figure by adjusting the hue slider in the customizer.
Group of People Clapping
PowerPoint Animation
An animated stick figure claps their hands together giving applause.  A concept of congratulation or appreciation.
Stick Figure Clapping
PowerPoint Animation
This animated clip art shows three business stick figures walking on a moving conveyor belt.  This presentation animation can display a concept of being controlled or stuck in repetition not being able to move forward.
Business Assembly Line
PowerPoint Animation
A animated 3D stick figure runs inside a toy hamster wheel.  A concept of spinning your wheel and not going anywhere or getting anything done.  It could also be a concept of exercise.
Figure Running Gerbil Wheel
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure thinking inside a question mark flipping up into an exclamation mark.
Stick Figure Question Answer
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure juggles three red balls.  This animated clipart could be used to indicated keeping several projects or tasks running or the concept of multitasking.
Figure Juggling Balls
PowerPoint Animation
In this animation three stick figures discuss documents inside a black binder.
Business Binder
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows two stick figures using teamwork to lift the last bar of a bar graph high in the air.   <br><br> This animation is meant to only loop one time, which can be change by setting the number of loops to one in the animation customizer and clicking the customize animation button.   <a href="http://www.presentermedia.com/blog/2010/07/set-number-loops-animated-gif/">loop change info here</a>
Stick Figure Raise Bar No Loop
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure lifting up a business themed building block labeled profit.
Stick Figure Profit Building Blocks
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of an assembly line showing conveyer belts with orange moving boxes.
Orange Boxes Moving Assembly Line
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a stick figure falling asleep at their desk.
Fall Asleep At Computer
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of an assembly line showing a conveyer belt with moving boxes.
Manufacturing Boxes Conveyor
PowerPoint Animation
This clip art animation shows a tree with 100 bills falling from it.
Money Dollar Tree
PowerPoint Animation
Four colorful arrows rotate clockwise.
Colored Arrows Rotating
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure presenting to the right.
Stick Figure Presenting With Pen
PowerPoint Animation
This animated clip art shows two puzzle pieces being place to complete a puzzle pie chart. <br><br> This animation is meant to only loop one time, which can be changed by setting the number of loops to one in the animation customizer and hitting customize animation button.
One Loop Puzzle Pie Chart
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure moves a box of files in this 3d animated clip art.
Stick Figure Carrying Folders
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure stands atop a giant green check mark and cheers and celebrates.  An animated concept of completing a task or receiving approval.
Check Mark Celebration
PowerPoint Animation
An animated stick figure call attention to something by gesturing and pointing.  You could place this figure beside your product or item you wish to highlight.
Stick Figure Highlighting Something
PowerPoint Animation

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.