PowerPoint Animations

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A blue awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Blue Ribbon Candle Flicker
PowerPoint Animation
A group of three exclamation marks bounce up and down in this animated clipart.
Exclamation Mark Group
PowerPoint Animation
A waving morning sun rises over the hills in this animated clipart.
Morning Sunrise Hills
PowerPoint Animation
A group of three blue question marks bounce up and down in this animated clipart.
Question Mark Group
PowerPoint Animation
A red exclamation mark bounces up and down in this animated clipart.
Exclamation Mark Bounce
PowerPoint Animation
A blue question mark rotates in this animated clipart.
Question Mark Rotate
PowerPoint Animation
A blue question mark bounces up and down in this animated clipart.
Question Mark Bounce
PowerPoint Animation
A boy plays the dulcimer in this animated clipart.
Boy Playing Dulcimer
PowerPoint Animation
Three blue balloons float in this animated clipart.
Party Balloons Blue
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, a stick man dances while wearing a party hat.
Stick Man Party
PowerPoint Animation
A stickman holding a red balloon invites you to the party in this animated clipart.
Stick Man Party Balloon
PowerPoint Animation
Silver and gold balloons float in this animated clipart.
Party Balloons Silver Gold
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, three red balloons float.
Party Balloons
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, a cartoon sun basks in the summer heat.
Happy Cartoon Sun
PowerPoint Animation
In this seasonal animated clipart, a cartoon sun holds up a sign declaring summer.
Cartoon Sun Holding Summer Sign
PowerPoint Animation
Three green balloons float in this animated clipart.
Party Balloons Green
PowerPoint Animation
A cartoon sun tosses and catches the earth in this animated clipart.
Cartoon Sun Holding Earth
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, a hot cartoon sun perspires in the heat.
Hot Cartoon Sun
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, a green arrow encircles the globe.
Green Earth Arrow Rotate Diagonal
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, a stick figure inserts a golden key into the Earth.
Stick Figure Fitting Key To The World
PowerPoint Animation
A cartoonish bat hovers by a couple of gnarled trees in this Halloween animated clipart.
Bat Hovering By Scary Tree
PowerPoint Animation
Two poles open to display a banner reading "absolute best" in this animated clipart.
Ribbon Poles Absolute Best
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, we see a closeup of a refreshing summer drink served in a coconut.
Coconut Summer Drink Closeup
PowerPoint Animation
School Is Cool
PowerPoint Animation
Turkey Carrying Football Side
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, a smiling guy sits on a park bench typing away on his laptop computer.
Smileman Typing Away
PowerPoint Animation
In this seasonal animated clipart, three maple leaves jump and dance.
Three Brown Leaves Jumping
PowerPoint Animation
In this Thanksgiving animated clipart, a turkey serves a plate of food.
Turkey Waiter
PowerPoint Animation
A rotating Yield street sign in this animated clip art.
Yield Sign Spinning
PowerPoint Animation
In this Thanksgiving animated clipart, a turkey carries a football.
Turkey Carrying Football
PowerPoint Animation

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.