

Censorship Icon

Item #: 29200

Type: Presentation Clipart

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The icon PNG image presents a powerful visual metaphor for censorship. Against a transparent background, a featureless grayscale representation of a human head is depicted, emphasizing the absence of distinct features or individuality. The head wears a bold red blindfold, symbolizing the restriction of perception or information, and red tape tightly covers the mouth, highlighting the suppression of expression. This stark imagery effectively communicates the idea of censorship, capturing the essence of silencing and withholding information.

Censorship is the act of suppressing or controlling information, communication, or artistic expression, often by authorities or institutions. It can take various forms, such as restricting or prohibiting the dissemination of certain content, ideas, or opinions. While censorship is sometimes implemented with the intention of maintaining social order or protecting specific values, it is widely regarded as detrimental to a free and open society.


censorship censored blindfold gag free speech restrict suppress

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