Jeopardy Style Five Category PowerPoint Game 
A collage of presentation slides from Jeopardy Style Five Category PowerPoint Game
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Jeopardy Style Five Category PowerPoint Game

Item #: 27932

Type: PowerPoint Templates

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Get Your PowerPoint Game On!

Need a game-style interactive presentation template for giving questions and answers? Look no further! This game PowerPoint template offers a Jeopardy-style PowerPoint game with five categories and a question/answer format. With a glance, viewers can easily see the game's structure, and chances are they will be engaged immediately. You can download this template to create your stand-alone game presentation or add it to existing presentations to create an engaging educational experience. Interactive elements such as this will keep your viewers captivated and entertained while learning a thing or two in the process!

Cool Trick for Making a PowerPoint Show

Find included instructions on how to turn your final game into a PowerPoint Show, which you can link to in a current presentation, allowing you to add the game but only some of the slides.

How this Interactive Game Works

This game works by adding main top-level categories to the display board. Each category has five panels underneath it, increasing in points as you reach the last panel. Clicking on a panel will transport you to that panel's slide with a question you have added and then a button to reveal the correct answer. Fill out all top categories and panel answer/question slides to create an unforgettable game experience for your viewers.

If you are looking for fewer or more categories, check out our three-category, four-category, or six-category PowerPoint game.


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