Education and School

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This thumbtack thinking clipart shows a tack with arms in a puzzled gesture as in thinking about something.  Use this clipart in a presentation or design to place by something this is trying to be solved or is a problem.
Thumb Tack Thinking
Presentation Clipart
This thumbtack exclamation idea clipart shows a tack character raising one arm up with index finger pointing up.  Use this clipart image to show excitement around a text point or image.
Thumbtack Idea Exclamation Clipart
Presentation Clipart
A clipart thumb tack characters gestures to the in a showing or presenting manner.  Use this clipart image to mark a text point or an image.
Thumbtack Gesturing To Side Clipart
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a country flag peg person icon figure wrapped in a Switzerland Flag.
Switzerland Peg Figure
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image shows a single book open to the middle.  Use this simple open book clipart as it is, or add pictures on top of the book's pages to shows learned from reading books.
Plain Single Open Book
Presentation Clipart
This graduation clipart image shows a stack of books with a graduation cap on top.  Great for displaying studying to achieve a goal of graduating.
Graduation Cap on Books
Presentation Clipart
This customizable graduation clipart shows a stack of books with a graduation cap on top.  Add text, a logo, or images to this clipart to download a personalized custom graduation image that is uniquely yours.<br><br>  Use the CUSTOMIZE YOUR MESSAGE tab to change the text and colors of the books to your own liking or use the quick downloads to download as is.
Book Stack Graduation Cap
Presentation Clipart
An image of a figure holding a pen and drawing.
Figure Holding Pen And Drawing
Presentation Clipart
This image shows a figure with a light bulb over his head having an idea. Use this graphic for presentations about innovation, brainstorming, problem solving and great ideas.
Figure Having A Bright Idea
Presentation Clipart
An image of a man thinking in front of a large question mark.
Stick Man Thinking Question
Presentation Clipart
An image of a woman thinking in front of a large question mark.
Woman Figure Thinking Question
Presentation Clipart
An image of a figure with a pencil checking boxes on a clipboard.
Figure Check It Off My List
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image shows a woman figure searching through a pair of binoculars.
Businesswoman Searching With Binoculars
Presentation Clipart
This education clipart shows a boy student sitting at a school desk reading a book.
Boy Reading With At Desk
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a girl student sitting at a school desk reading a book while wearing a protective mask.  Use this education clipart graphic to educate about coronavirus awareness in your school.
Girl Student At Desk Reading With Mask
Presentation Clipart
This customizable education clipart shows a girl student sitting at a desk reading while a huge virus looms over her shoulder.  Use this clip art graphic to educate about coronavirus awareness in your school.
Masked Girl Student At Desk Reading With Coronavirus
Presentation Clipart
This clipart for education shows a girl student sitting at a desk looking in a book.
Girl Student Sitting At Desk Reading
Presentation Clipart
This education clipart shows a student wearing a mask sitting at a desk.
Boy Reading With Mask On
Presentation Clipart
This education clipart shows a student wearing a mask sitting at a desk reading while a huge virus peeks from behind.
Masked Student With Coronavirus Behind
Presentation Clipart
A teacher sits waiting at her desk.
Teacher At Desk
Presentation Clipart
An image of a the word "DIVERSITY" wrapped inside of multiple bubbles.
Diversity Word Bubble
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure holding a large magnifying glass.  A good concept for search or research or examining something closer.
Searching Stickwoman
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure holding a magnifying glass looking for clues.  This is a 3D rendered image and could be used to indicate finding the truth or examining a subject in detail.
Stickwoman Search Clues
Presentation Clipart
A teacher pushes a wheelbarrow full of books.
Teacher Wheelbarrow Books
Presentation Clipart
This clip art illustration shows a woman standing in a hero pose.  This graphic illustration can be used to show how teachers are heroes as they teach during a pandemic.  Also, use as a symbol of determination in the workplace during a pandemic.
Talia Super Pose With Mask
Presentation Clipart
A female teacher stands holding a book as she smiles.
Teacher Holding Book
Presentation Clipart
A teacher holding a book stands in front of a school building.
Teacher School Building
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure holds a large ruler and pencil. This clip-art can represent going to school.
Stick Girl Pencil Ruler
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure preparing to unlock something.
Guy Figure Key Lock
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure holds a large ruler and pencil. This clip-art can represent going to school.
Stick Figure Pencil Ruler
Presentation Clipart

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
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