Signs and Symbols

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This image shows an information marker.  This marker could be place in a PowerPoint template to call attention to a description, place, information or fact.
Information Marker
Presentation Clipart
A Map indicating travel between Phoenix Arizona and Washington DC
Phoenix To Washington DC
Presentation Clipart
This image shows two hands stretched out with a heart lying in them.
Heart In Hands
Presentation Clipart
An image of a magnet pulling/stealing lots of dollar bills.
Horseshoe Magnet Pulling Dollar Bills
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure standing in a construction site.
Stick Figure Standing Construction Site
Presentation Clipart
A 3D image of a red push button with the word TRAVEL ALERT printed on top.
Travel Alert Red Button
Presentation Clipart
An icon of a screw driver and wrench with a metal plate behind them.
Work Tools Criss Cross Icon
Presentation Clipart
An image of three yellow stoplights with the green, yellow, and red lights illuminated.
Three Traffic Stoplights
Presentation Clipart
A clock that show the time of five o'clock
Five o'clock
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stoplight with the red light illuminated.
Traffic Light Red Stop
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stoplight with the yellow light illuminated.
Traffic Light Yellow Yield
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stoplight with the green light illuminated.
Traffic Light Green Go
Presentation Clipart
An image of an open box with a puzzle piece and the word Solution written on it.
Solution Puzzle Piece Box
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a phone contact symbol.
Phone Contact Symbol
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a information icon.
Information Icon
Presentation Clipart
A blank orange construction sign.  There is plenty of room to add your own text in PowerPoint or another application.
Blank Construction Sign
Presentation Clipart
A blank red stop sign.  There is plenty of room to add your own text to this sign in PowerPoint or in another application.
Blank Stop Sign
Presentation Clipart
A blank yellow caution or warning road sign.  Use PowerPoint or another application to add your own text to the blank area.
Blank Caution Sign
Presentation Clipart
A stylized 3D devil figure holding a pitch fork.  Could be used as a Halloween image, or as in a comparison between good and evil.
Red Devil Figure
Presentation Clipart
An image of a cost effective ink stamp.
Cost Effective Rubber Stamp
Presentation Clipart
A pressure gauge reads into the red as the pipes beneath it are springing a leak. A concept of too much stress or being under pressure.
Pressure Gauge
Presentation Clipart
Use this needle with one of our blank gauges or dials.  You can customize the readings on the gauge by rotating the needle in PowerPoint.  Download a <a href="/index.php?target=closeup&id=3896&categoryid=116&maincat=clipart"> blank pressure gauge face here</a>.
Pressure Needle
Presentation Clipart
A blank pressure gauge.  Customize this gauge in PowerPoint by using it with this <a href="/index.php?target=closeup&id=3897&categoryid=116&maincat=clipart">gauge needle</a>.
Blank Pressure Gauge
Presentation Clipart
A vehicles gas gauge displays nearly full.  Could be use as an indicator of moving forward or the start of a journey.  Download the <a href="/index.php?target=closeup&id=3887&categoryid=116&maincat=clipart">empty fuel gauge here</a>.
Fuel Gauge Full
Presentation Clipart
A vehicles gas gauge displays nearly empty.  Could be use as an indicator of low energy or running out of something.  Download the <a href="/index.php?target=closeup&id=3889&categoryid=116&maincat=clipart">full fuel gauge here</a>.
Fuel Gauge Empty
Presentation Clipart
Customize this gauge by using this <a href="/index.php?target=closeup&id=3870&categoryid=116&maincat=clipart">separate gauge needle</a>.  Load both images in PowerPoint and then rotate the needle to where you need it.
Blank Speedometer
Presentation Clipart
Use this needle image with one of these blank gauges: <a href="/index.php?target=closeup&id=3869&categoryid=139&maincat=clipart">Safety Gauge</a>, <a href="/index.php?target=closeup&id=3871&categoryid=116&maincat=clipart">Speedometer</a>
Gauge Needle
Presentation Clipart
Customize this gauge by using this <a href="/index.php?target=closeup&id=3870&categoryid=116&maincat=clipart">separate gauge needle</a>.  Load both images in PowerPoint and then rotate the needle to where you need it.
Blank Gauge Indicator
Presentation Clipart
An indicator gauge with it's needle pointing to the green safe area.  Gauges with the needle pointing to yellow and red are also available.
Green Gauge Indicator
Presentation Clipart
An indicator gauge with it's needle pointing to the red warning area.  Gauges with the needle pointing to green and yellow are also available.
Red Gauge Indicator
Presentation Clipart

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.