Signs and Symbols

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A thanksgiving pilgrim points to a blank sign.
Pilgrim Sign
Presentation Clipart
A white awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline White Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A teal awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Teal Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A red awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Red Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A red, white, and blue awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Red White Blue Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A desert camouflage awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Desert Camo Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A purple awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Purple Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A pearl colored awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Pearl Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A pink awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Pink Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A lime colored awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Lime Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
An orange awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Orange Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A light blue awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Light Blue Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A hot pink awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Hot Pink Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A lavender awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Lavender Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A grey awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Grey Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A green awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Green Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A cream colored awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Cream Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A burgundy awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Burgundy Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A blue awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Blue Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A black awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Black Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
An autism awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Autism Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A camouflage awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this clipart.
Angel Outline Army Camo Ribbon
Presentation Clipart
A pink awareness ribbon appears in this clipart.
Pink Ribbon Awareness
Presentation Clipart
A red awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Red Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A white awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
White Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A teal awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Teal Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A red, white, and blue awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Red White Blue Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A lime colored awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Lime Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A pearl colored awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Pearl Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart
A pink awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this clipart.
Pink Ribbon Candle
Presentation Clipart

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