Presentation Clipart

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An image of a single yellow file folder with paper sticking out.
Blank Yellow Folder Documents
Presentation Clipart
An image of a yellow folder with confidential stamped on the front.
Confidential Folder Documents
Presentation Clipart
A set of three keys are attached to a key chain with a large blank tag where you can add your own text with PowerPoint or another software application.  The red color on the key chain tag can be changed by using the HUE slider in the customizer.
Three Keys With Tag
Presentation Clipart
An image of a snowman jumping for joy.
Snowman Joy Jumping
Presentation Clipart
An image of a yellow folder with top secret written on the front.
Top Secret Folder Documents
Presentation Clipart
An image of a spy carrying a gun.
Spy Packing Some Heat
Presentation Clipart
This image shows a stick figure laying the final tile in a pattern.
Stick Figure Laying Tile Pattern
Presentation Clipart
A snowman bundled in a scarf and stocking hat holds up a blank sign.
Winter Snowman Holding Blank Sign
Presentation Clipart
Four stick figures stand holding hands as a lone stick figure stands by itself.
Outsider Standing Alone
Presentation Clipart
An image of a black laptop computer opened up.
Black Laptop Open
Presentation Clipart
A single chain link is highlighted in red.  A concept of calling attention to one piece of a project or company, or highlighting the item that connects two chains together.  The red link's color can be changed using our clip art customizer.
Shiny Chain Link
Presentation Clipart
An image of a laptop with a pair of eyes in the middle of the screen representing someone spying.
Black Laptop Spy Watch
Presentation Clipart
An image of a Christmas tree with bright lights and presents.
Christmas Tree Shiny Lights
Presentation Clipart
Stacks of one hundred dollar bills are chained together and secured with a large lock.  A concept clipart image of protecting your investment or keeping your money safe.
Investment Security
Presentation Clipart
A stylized 3D clipart image of a house secured by a large lock and chains.  A concept of home security or protecting your home.
Locked House Outline
Presentation Clipart
A silver padlock with a big green check mark.  A concept of safety or security, or a concept of guarantee of protection.  The color of the check mark can be changed using the Hue slider in the customizer.
Lock Check Mark
Presentation Clipart
A 3D clip art image of the earth wrapped in chains locked together with a padlock.  A concept of Internet safety or protection.  It could also be used as a metaphor for the earth held hostage or in prison.
Earth Chained
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure with an umbrella covering an orange stick figure. This image is symbolic of protection and insurance.
Protection Insurance Umbrella
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a magnify glass magnifying a light bulb.  Use this magnify glass image to display a concept of discovering ideas, solving a problem, or searching for a solution.
Searching for an Idea
Presentation Clipart
A single blue stick figure starts a chain reaction by tipping over a domino.  A series of increasing bigger dominoes surround the figure and are in danger of squashing the figure.  A concept of cause and effect or not realizing the consequences of our actions.
Cause And Effect Dominoes
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure nurse or doctor listens with a stethoscope.
Nurse Doctor Holding Stethoscope
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure presses on the screen causes indicator waves to radiate.
Stick Figure Screen Press
Presentation Clipart
An image of two stick figures shopping with a cart full of presents.
Holiday Shopping Jackpot
Presentation Clipart
An image of a curly string of Christmas lights.
Christmas Lights Loops Color
Presentation Clipart
An image of a ribbon on the upper left corner. Part 1 of 2 graphics.
Left Corner Ribbon- Bow Part 1
Presentation Clipart
An image of a ribbon and bow in the bottom right corner. Part 2 of 2 graphics
Right Corner Ribbon- Bow Part 2
Presentation Clipart
This image shows a stick figure driving a forklift carrying a load of boxes.
Stick Figure Driving Forklift with Boxes
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a stick figure gesturing to a flip board.
Stick figure Showing Flipboard
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure nurse, doctor or surgeon writes on a clipboard.
Nurse Doctor Surgeon Charting
Presentation Clipart
Two stick figures discuss something on a flip board.
Stick Figure Flipboard Discussion
Presentation Clipart

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
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