Get What You Want Video Video Background

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Includes 15 video slide designs for PowerPoint.

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Get What You Want Video

Item #: 28235

Type: Video Backgrounds

This editable video template features a playful dog flying through space with a juicy hamburger in its mouth, ready to take on any challenge to get what it wants.

The text "How far will you go to get what you want?" animates in with wispy space particles. All text is editable to create a compelling message of your own that will leave a lasting impression. Click the "customize this video" button to start changing the text, or use the quick downloads to get it as shown.

This video template is ideal for various uses, from social media promotion to a catchy presentation slide. It's easy to use and requires no prior video editing experience, making it perfect for anyone who wants to create a unique and engaging video in no time. Our template is fully customizable, allowing you to tweak the visuals and text to fit your needs.


persistence challenge determination perseverance boldness courage

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
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