Women's History Month Video Video Background

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Women's History Month Video

Item #: 26372

Type: Video Backgrounds

March is Women's History Month, and a great way to celebrate is by using a women's history month video background. This downloadable video background is perfect for adding extra flair to your presentations and social media posts showing your support for women's history month. The video features an illustration of Rosie the Riveter flexing her muscles. So be sure to download this women's history month video and help celebrate the amazing women who have helped shape the United States and beyond! ...

Woman's history month is celebrated in America every year in March. The month marks the achievements of women throughout history. Woman's history month was first celebrated in 1987, and it has been growing in popularity ever since. Woman's history month is a time to celebrate women's progress while also recognizing that there is still work to be done. There are many events and activities during women's history month, and it is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the significant contributions that women have made to society.

So be sure to join in on the celebration this March and add this video to your presentation slide deck, or give it a share on social media.

Find many more great videos to download, and customize by exploring our video backgrounds media library.


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