Data has a look around and gives a nod before giving a thumbs up gesture.
Data Emote Appreciation
PowerPoint Animation
Data emerges from behind an imaginary wall, and gives a wave.  Use this cheery animation to greet people at the beginning of a presentation along with a fun message to say welcome.
Data Peek-A-Boo Wave
PowerPoint Animation
Data appears from behind an imaginary wall, takes a look around, and then gives two thumbs up.
Data Peek-A-Boo Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
This clipart image shows the presentation character Data presenting a large globe with a happy smile.  Use this clipart image for presentations involving science, education, travel, and more.
Data Holding Globe
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image shows the presentation character Data happily pointing forward while flying on top of a rocket made up of pencils.  Use this clipart image for presentations involving learning, education, writing, and more.
Data On Pencil Rocket
Presentation Clipart
Jerry appears from behind an imaginary wall, has a look around, and points enthusiastically inward.
Jerry Peek And Point
PowerPoint Animation
In this animation the character Data is looking around and pondering with a large magnifying glass.  Use this magnify glass search animation to accompany a message about examining, investigating, or searching for something.
Data Emote Searching
PowerPoint Animation
This clipart image shows the presentation character Data flipping a switch and illuminating a large light bulb. Use this problem solving clipart to add a great visual element to accompany a message about innovation, a new idea, or solving a problem.
Data Switch Light Bulb
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image shows the presentation character Data flipping a switch, which activates a contraption illuminating a large light bulb.  Use this problem solving clipart to add a great visual element to accompany a message about innovation, a new idea, or solving a problem.
Data Gears Light Bulb
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image shows the presentation character Data presenting to the side with a pencil and a happy smile.
Data Presenting To Side
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image shows the presentation character Data standing under a large light bulb and pointing upward as he has a bright idea.  Use this problem solving clipart to add a great visual element to accompany a message about innovation, a new idea, or solving a problem.
Data Bright Idea Clipart
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image shows the presentation character Data smiling and holding a small stack of books in front of a school building.  Use this clipart image for presentations involving school, education, learning, and more.
Data School Building
Presentation Clipart
This custom sign character animation shows a character named Data revealing a sign from behind back.  You can customize this sign by adding your changing or adding text and adding your logo image.
Data Showing Custom Sign
PowerPoint Animation
Download this clipart of a man with a point gesture to the side.  Use to represent a professor, speaker, instructor, or teacher in a presentation.
Male Instructor Pointing Clipart
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from swim-lane-diagram-pid-33192 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Swimlane PowerPoint Diagrams Toolkit preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Swimlane PowerPoint Diagrams Toolkit preview three.
Swimlane PowerPoint Diagrams Toolkit
A 3D Scribbles Pencil Pointing At Board with editing tools to customize the design and make it your own.
3D Scribbles Pointing At Board Clipart - Customizable Mockup
Presentation Clipart
Kylie appears from behind a hidden wall, and points to a presentation while giving a smile.
Kylie Peek And Point
PowerPoint Animation
3D Teacher Pointing | Download Now!
3D Teacher Pointing Clipart
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image shows the presentation character Data leaning on a stack of large books with a happy smile.  Use this clipart image for presentations involving reading, writing, education, and more.
Data Leaning On Stack Of Books
Presentation Clipart
A 3D Scientist Character Holding Sign Clipart with editing tools to customize the design and make it your own.
3D Scientist Character Holding Sign - Customizable Mockup
Presentation Clipart
A 3D Scientist Character Turning A Custom Page Clipart with editing tools to customize the design and make it your own.
3D Scientist Character Turning A Custom Page - Customizable Mockup
Presentation Clipart
A 3D Scientist Character Turning A Custom Page Clipart with editing tools to customize the design and make it your own.
3D Scientist Character Turning A Custom Page - Customizable Mockup
Presentation Clipart
A 3D Scientist Character Turning A Custom Page Clipart with editing tools to customize the design and make it your own.
3D Scientist Character Turning A Custom Page - Customizable Mockup
Presentation Clipart
Download this customizable clipart to showcase a teacher or presenter encouraging creativity in vibrant, inspiring educational or professional settings.
Woman Presenting at Whiteboard - Customizable Clipart
Presentation Clipart
Download this animation showing levers moving to 'on' and a green light, indicating "all systems go" and readiness to proceed with an operation.
All Systems Go Levers Animation
PowerPoint Animation
A widescreen presentation slide from pediatric-care-pid-28909 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Pediatric Care PowerPoint Theme preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Pediatric Care PowerPoint Theme preview three.
Pediatric Care PowerPoint Theme
A widescreen presentation slide from healthcare-medical-pid-30594 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Healthcare & Medical PowerPoint Theme preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Healthcare & Medical PowerPoint Theme preview three.
Healthcare & Medical PowerPoint Theme
Download this Halloween vampire clipart, symbolizing guidance or directing attention, perfect for spooky presentations or themes.
Vampire Gesturing Clipart: Guiding Your Attention
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from interactive-kanban-pid-32952 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Kanban Board - Interactive PowerPoint Slides preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Kanban Board - Interactive PowerPoint Slides preview three.
Kanban Board - Interactive PowerPoint Slides
A widescreen presentation slide from self-introduction-pid-29490 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Self Introduction Profile PowerPoint Theme preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Self Introduction Profile PowerPoint Theme preview three.
Self Introduction Profile PowerPoint Theme

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© 2009-2021 Eclipse Digital Imaging, Inc.

Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.