A feature image preview for the blog Animated Clipart Stops after Saving.

Animated Clipart Stops after Saving

Posted on: Feb, 2011 By: Art Holden
For a very few PowerPoint users, for some reason PowerPoint improperly applies compression to animated .GIF images when the presentation is saved.  We have been unable to duplicate the problem here at PresenterMedia, but .

If you are one of the few PowerPoint users who have experienced the problem, there is an easy work around.  Unfortunately you need to do this work around every time you start a new presentation that contains animations.

1. Choose 'Save As' 2. Click the 'Tools' options. 3. Choose 'Compress Pictures'

PowerPoint Compress Pictures

4. Click on 'Options'

PowerPoint Compression Options

5. Uncheck 'Automatically preform basic compression on save.'

Automatically preform basic compression

6. Click 'Ok' in the compression settings.

7. Click 'CANCEL'  on the Compress Pictures dialog.  Choosing OK here will apply the compression and freeze the animations.

Cancel Compression

8. At this point, you can either save your presentation, or go back to working on it.  This setting is now saved as part of the document and you will not need to do it again for this document.

Unfortunately, you will need to reinsert any animations that have been compressed, as there is no way back after the compression has been applied.

If anyone knows why this happens for a few PowerPoint users, we would love to know.  Leave your comments below.

Here is more on this problem from the PPTfaq.

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By: Art Holden
Art Holden has been involved in presentation and animation graphic content since 1990. He had the pleasure of creating one of the very first animation websites on the internet, Animation Factory. For 13 years he managed and created media for Animation Factory. He is now a part-owner and an employee working full time at PresenterMedia. His hobbies outside of work revolve around being involved in the bicycling community in Sioux Falls, SD. He never misses an opportunity to get on his bike and enjoy a ride.

Blog Comments (Sign In to Comment):

Aug 23, 2021 -
I'm not seeing any of these options - I'm using Powerpoint for Mac (v16.52 on a Microsoft 365 subscription). None of the moving/gifs open with movement and there are no 'tools' in the 'save as' in Mac.

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