Symbols and Signs

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A single line of text that spins around you can customize this text.
Spinning Text
PowerPoint Animation
This animated scene shows a group of stick figures protesting with room to put custom text on there signs.
Custom Text Protesters
PowerPoint Animation
An image of custom text being extracted from a filing cabinet.
Text Popping Out Of Office Cabniet
PowerPoint Animation
A shiny cube spins on one of its corners.
Cube Spinning On Corner
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure conducting music.
Figure Conducting Music
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a pirate flag.
Pirate Flag
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a figure pushing a button scrolling through a smart phone interface with custom text spots.
Custom Smart Phone Swipe Screen
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a figure pushing a button scrolling through a smart phone interface with custom text spots.
Custom Smart Phone Categories
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a group of stick figures with all of them standing up with an idea.
Everyone Has An Idea
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure creating a road by painting with a roller.
Figure Painting Street Texture
PowerPoint Animation
An image of Kazakhstan's flag waving.
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a Slovakia flag waving.
Slovakia Flag Perspective
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure is burdened by the message it's carrying.
Carrying Text
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a woman stick figure walking in a circle in front of a large question mark.
Woman Back And Forth Questions
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure raising arms up giving the "quotation" finger expression.
Figure Hand Quote
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a cube with spots to put your own custom text.
Rotating Custom Dice
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a cube with the questions what, when & when.
Questions To Ask
PowerPoint Animation
A group of silver cubes with blue cubes emerging from the rest. This clip-art can represent a team standing-out from the rest.
Cubes Stand Out
PowerPoint Animation
A animation is of the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia And Herzegovina
PowerPoint Animation
A figure presses a button to search through different custom text words.
Searching For The Right Word
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a digital transmission from cloud to a computer.
Cloud Computing Signal
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a cloud emitting a signal.
Cloud Communication
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows an arrow pointing with custom text on the arrow. <br><br>  <a href="http://www.presentermedia.com/index.php?target=closeup&id=16783&categoryid=127&maincat=animsp">Click Here for arrow in opposite direction</a>
Arrow Pointing Custom Text
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure running with a custom text briefcase.
Hurry With The Custom Text Kit
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of the Afghanistan's flag.
Afghanistan Flag Perspective Anim
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows hands clapping behind custom text.
Applause Custom Text
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a mechanical arm with custom text on the end of it moving up and down.
Mechanical Custom Text
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a scissors cutting into a blank coupon.
Scissors Cutting Coupon
PowerPoint Animation
A banner flaps in the wind with your custom message.
Banner Text
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure sitting on top of a large steel ball in chains thinking.
Got A While To Think
PowerPoint Animation

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.