Symbols and Signs

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A cream colored awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Cream Ribbon Candle Flicker
PowerPoint Animation
A green awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Green Ribbon Candle Flicker
PowerPoint Animation
A pink awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Pink Ribbon Candle Flicker
PowerPoint Animation
A multi-colored autism awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Autism Ribbon Candle Flicker
PowerPoint Animation
A white awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
White Ribbon Candle Flicker
PowerPoint Animation
Two poles pop up to display an "I love you" banner in this animated clipart.
Ribbon Poles I Love You
PowerPoint Animation
Two poles pop up to display a "happy birthday" banner in this animated clipart.
Ribbon Poles Happy Birthday
PowerPoint Animation
Two poles pop up to display an "it's a party" banner in this animated clipart.
Ribbon Poles Its A Party
PowerPoint Animation
A purple awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Purple Ribbon Candle Flicker
PowerPoint Animation
A pearl colored awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Pearl Ribbon Candle Flicker
PowerPoint Animation
Two poles pop up to display a "God Bless America" banner in this animated clipart.
Ribbon Poles God Bless America
PowerPoint Animation
Two poles pop up displaying a "welcome" banner in this animated clipart.
Ribbon Poles Welcome
PowerPoint Animation
Two poles pop up displaying a "congrats" banner in this animated clipart.
Ribbon Poles Congrats
PowerPoint Animation
A red awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Red Ribbon Candle Flicker
PowerPoint Animation
A black awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Black Ribbon Candle Flicker
PowerPoint Animation
A blue awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Blue Ribbon Candle Flicker
PowerPoint Animation
A group of three exclamation marks bounce up and down in this animated clipart.
Exclamation Mark Group
PowerPoint Animation
A group of three blue question marks bounce up and down in this animated clipart.
Question Mark Group
PowerPoint Animation
A red exclamation mark bounces up and down in this animated clipart.
Exclamation Mark Bounce
PowerPoint Animation
A blue question mark rotates in this animated clipart.
Question Mark Rotate
PowerPoint Animation
A blue question mark bounces up and down in this animated clipart.
Question Mark Bounce
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, a green arrow encircles the globe.
Green Earth Arrow Rotate Diagonal
PowerPoint Animation
Two poles open to display a banner reading "absolute best" in this animated clipart.
Ribbon Poles Absolute Best
PowerPoint Animation
School Is Cool
PowerPoint Animation
A rotating Yield street sign in this animated clip art.
Yield Sign Spinning
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, a yellow sign declaring "school zone" rotates.
School Zone Spinning
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, a stick person runs carrying a peace sign.
Stickton Carrying Peace Symbol
PowerPoint Animation
A yellow star rotates in this animated clipart.
Star Rotating
PowerPoint Animation
The blue astrological sign for Taurus rotates in this animated clipart.
Taurus Symbol
PowerPoint Animation
The astrological sign for Leo rotates in this animated clipart.
Zodiac Leo Head Rotate
PowerPoint Animation

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