Symbols and Signs

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The flag of Japan waves in this animated clipart.
Japan Flag Flying
PowerPoint Animation
The flag of Australia waves in this animated clipart.
Australian Flag Flying
PowerPoint Animation
The British flag waves in this animated clipart.
United Kingdom Flag Flying
PowerPoint Animation
Two entwined wedding bands rotate in this animated clipart.
Wedding Rings Rotating
PowerPoint Animation
The flag of Germany waves in this animated clipart.
Germany Flag Flying
PowerPoint Animation
The flag of China waves in this animated clipart.
China Flag Flying
PowerPoint Animation
The flag of Mexico waves in this animated clipart.
Mexican Flag Flying
PowerPoint Animation
An American flag waves in this animated clipart.
American Flag Flying
PowerPoint Animation
The French flag waves in this animated clipart.
French Flag Flying
PowerPoint Animation
Conjoined platinum wedding rings rotate in this animated clipart.
Platinum Wedding Rings Rotating
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure attempts to place the last piece in the dollar sign puzzle in this finance animated clipart.
Stick Figure Money Symbol Puzzle Piece
PowerPoint Animation
In this education animated clipart, a girl holds up the math symbol for subtraction.
Jenny Holding Math Subtraction Symbol
PowerPoint Animation
Two poles pop up with a "hello" banner in this animated clipart.
Ribbon Poles Hello
PowerPoint Animation
Two poles pop up with a "thank you" banner in this animated clipart.
Ribbon Poles Thank You
PowerPoint Animation
In this school animated clipart, a girl holds up the math symbol for division.
Jenny Holding Math Division Symbol
PowerPoint Animation
Purple footprints appear in this animated clipart.
Purple Footsteps Walking
PowerPoint Animation
In this finance animated clipart, a gold key is inserted into a dollar puzzle.
Money Puzzle Key Into Hole
PowerPoint Animation
Orange footprints appear in this animated clipart.
Orange Footsteps Walking
PowerPoint Animation
The letters spelling "math" jump around rearranging themselves in this animated school clipart.
Math Vertical Text Jump Spelling
PowerPoint Animation
A red hand print appears in this animated clipart.
One Red Hand Print Appearing
PowerPoint Animation
A girl holds up the math symbol for multiplication in this animated school clipart.
Jenny Holding Math Multiplication Symbol
PowerPoint Animation
Leaves sprout from a green earth in this animated clipart.
Green Earth Grass Grow Up
PowerPoint Animation
The match symbols for addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication bounce up and down in this animated clipart.
Math Symbols Bouncing Up Down
PowerPoint Animation
A green hand print appears on the screen in this animated clipart.
One Green Hand Print Appearing
PowerPoint Animation
Red footprints appear in this animated clipart.
Red Footsteps Walking
PowerPoint Animation
The math symbols for addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication bounce in this animated school clipart.
Math Symbols Bouncing Text Backdrop
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, red wings flap on a horned body.
Evil Wings Tail Flying
PowerPoint Animation
A purple awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this animated clipart.
Angel Purple Ribbon Floating
PowerPoint Animation
A burgundy awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this animated clipart.
Angel Burgundy Ribbon Floating
PowerPoint Animation
A lime colored awareness ribbon is wrapped around a hovering angel in this animated clipart.
Angel Lime Ribbon Floating
PowerPoint Animation

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