PowerPoint Animations

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This animation shows a figure walking and checking behind itself from time to time.
Paranoid Walker
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a male business figure standing on books searching with a scope.
On Top Of The Books
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a drone following a walking figure as the figure checks behind itself frequently.
Drone Follow Surveillance
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a drone hovering above.
Drone Hover Spy
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a wifi signal strengthening and weakening.
Wifi Signal Strength
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows three figure waiting in chairs beside a closed door as a clock shows time passing by.
Figures Waiting By Door
PowerPoint Animation
Letter Into Computer Screen Mailbox
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a business stick figure in a suit turning their back to something.
Businessman Turn Your Back
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows comment bubbles falling and spelling out thank you.
Thank You Comment Bubbles Fallling
PowerPoint Animation
This concept animation shows rocks turning over with question marks underneath.  The last rock is flipped over the light bulb "solution" is found.
Leave No Stone Unturned
PowerPoint Animation
This concept animation shows a old decaying leaf with the word failure on it, it then turns over to a vibrant alive green leaf with the work success on it.
Turn Over A New Leaf
PowerPoint Animation
This concept clip art shows a male business figure touching egg shaped objects and everyone she touches turns to gold.
Everything Touch Turns To Gold Business
PowerPoint Animation
This concept clip art shows a woman business figure touching egg shaped objects and everyone she touches turns to gold.
Everything Touch Turns To Gold
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure balances carefully as he balances on a rolling log in the water.
Stick Figure Log Rolling
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows many gear parts moving together.
Many Gears Rotating
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure floats above the ground as he meditates.
Stick Figure Meditate Float
PowerPoint Animation
This custom animation shows thumbs up icons popping up around text.  Customize the text to your own saying!
Like The Text
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a quarter spinning showing its heads and tails as it spins.
Spinning Quarter
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure turning a key / wind-up dial on the back of a figure.
Wind Em Up
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows three shark fins circling a figure treading water.
Shark Fins Circling Figure
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a blackboard tablet popping up and different school items popping up from behind the tablet.
Blackboard Tablet With School Items
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows three shark fins circling.
Shark Fins Circling
PowerPoint Animation
A stick woman waits urgently to use the lady's room.
Stick Woman Wait Bathroom
PowerPoint Animation
A stick man waits urgently to use the men's room.
Stick Man Wait Bathroom
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a doctor checking a patients reflexes.
Doctor Testing Reflexes
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure tries in vain to get leverage to open a stuck door that has your custom sign above it.
Stick Figure Stuck Door Custom
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a door opening up to paradise.
Door Opened To Paradise
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure trying to fight back from being stomped on.
Figure Pushing Giant Foot
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a clown figure balancing on a ball.
Clown Balancing On Ball
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a clown figure juggling balls.
Clown Figure Juggling
PowerPoint Animation

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.