PowerPoint Animations

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A quivering young girl standing with her knees shaking, and eventually raising his arms up in fear
Young Girl Scared
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a young girl sobbing and wiping away the tears from her eyes.
Young Girl Sad
PowerPoint Animation
A young girl shakes her fists and repeatedly stomps the ground in anger or frustration.
Young Girl Angry
PowerPoint Animation
A young girl clapping and jumping up and down with excitement
Young Girl Excited
PowerPoint Animation
A quivering young boy standing with his knees shaking, and eventually raising his arms up in fear
Little Boy Scared
PowerPoint Animation
A young boy shakes his fists and repeatedly stomps the ground in anger or frustration.
Young Boy Angry
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a young boy sobbing and wiping away the tears from his eyes.
Young Boy Sad
PowerPoint Animation
A young boy clapping and jumping up and down with excitement.
Young Boy Excited
PowerPoint Animation
Bernice pops out from behind a wall to give a scare and have a laugh, and then point towards the wall.
Bernice Peek A Boo
PowerPoint Animation
Martha emerges from behind a wall to give a look, and then two thumbs up.
Martha Emote Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
A businessman taps his foot and checks his watch as he waits impatiently.
Business Grant Emote Waiting
PowerPoint Animation
Bernice seated in a chair and turning the pages in a book she is reading.
Bernice Reading Book
PowerPoint Animation
Bernice placing her hands on her hips, then shaking her head while gesturing her hand in a disciplinary manner.
Bernice Emote No
PowerPoint Animation
A businessman uses a large magnifying lens to search for something.
Business Grant Emote Searching
PowerPoint Animation
A businessman uses a megaphone to get out his message.
Business Grant Emote Megaphone
PowerPoint Animation
Bernice reacting surprised, then grasping her hands and nodding her head yes.
Bernice Emote Nod
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman peeks from behind a hidden wall and waves.
Business Woman Peek And Wave
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman comes from behind a hidden wall and points to your presentation.
Business Woman Peek And Point
PowerPoint Animation
A businessman comes from behind a hidden wall and points to your presentation.
Business Man Emote Peek Point
PowerPoint Animation
A businessman comes from behind a hidden wall and waves.
Business Man Emote Peek And Wave
PowerPoint Animation
A businessman laughs at something funny.
Business Grant Emote Laughing
PowerPoint Animation
Martha appears puzzled, then puts on her glasses and has a surprised reaction.
Old Martha Confused
PowerPoint Animation
Martha smiling and performing a dance while standing in place.
Old Martha Dance
PowerPoint Animation
Martha seated on a chair sipping a cup of tea.
Martha Sipping Tea
PowerPoint Animation
Santa pops up from behind a wall and gives two thumbs up.
Santa Claus Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
Santa leans out from behind a wall and waves then points to the side.
Santa Claus Point
PowerPoint Animation
Santa leans out from behind a wall and waves.
Santa Claus Peek Wave
PowerPoint Animation
Santa's helper peeks out from behind a wall and points to your presentation.
Santas Helper Peek Point
PowerPoint Animation
Santa's helper peeks up from behind a wall and gives two thumbs up.
Santas Helper Peek Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
Santa's Helper pops out from behind a wall and waves then throws up a peace sign.
Santas Helper Peek Wave Peace
PowerPoint Animation

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