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An animation of a stick figure taking a selfie.
Selfie - I Love Me
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a chef figure sauteing food in a pan over a stove.
Chef Cooking With Pan
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows two figures trying to communicate through tin cans but can't understand each other.
Stick Figure Miscommunication Anim
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure is shown covering up before sneezing.
Stick Figure Sneezing
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a desk calendar with a magnifying glass zooming over the dates.
Searching Desk Calendar Days
PowerPoint Animation
Two figures communicate through tin cans connect by a string.
Figures Talking Through Tin Cans
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a figure painting with a roller on the ground.
Figure Painting Ground
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a concept of a figure standing on a beam balancing two custom texts.
Custom Life Balance
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a figure dressed in pajamas sleep walking
Sleep Walk Figure
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a concept of a figure standing on a beam balancing both life and work.
Figure Work Life Balance
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a heart beating.
Normal Heartbeat
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a figure listening to a heartbeat.
Figure Listening Heart
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a drop of blood falling into a blood puddle.
Blood Dripping
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure looking through a magnifying glass following a path of footprints.
Magnify Those Footsteps
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a figure switching out one hat for another.
Wearing Two Hats
PowerPoint Animation
A woman skips as she carries two bags after shopping.
Female Shopper Skipping
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure pushing a house on a cart.
Stick Figure House Moving
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a musician playing the piano.
Figure Playing Upright Piano
PowerPoint Animation
Flames and smoke rise from an outdoor grill.
Grill Flames
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a dog panting and wagging its tail.
Dog Panting Wagging Tail
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a dog waiving its tail and sitting down.
Dog Sitting Down
PowerPoint Animation
A figure presses a button to search through different homes. This clip-art can represent online realty searching.
House Searching
PowerPoint Animation
An animated graphic of two stick figures carrying custom text on a stretcher.  They are running in a hurry.
Stick Figures Carry Custom Text On Stret
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a door opening.
Door Opening Up (Non-Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a door opening and closing.
Door Opening Closing
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure taking a photo.
Taking Pictures Smart Phone
PowerPoint Animation
A stack of four books with a stick figure reading on top there is also room on the books to add your own custom text.
Stick Figure Reading On Top Of Books
PowerPoint Animation
A stack of four books with a stick figure reading on top there is also room on the books to add your own custom text.
Stick Figure Reading On Top Of Books
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure pulling open a door and looking around inside.
Open A Door Looking
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure throws away trash from a large pile on the ground.
Figure Picking Up Trash
PowerPoint Animation

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