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A waving checkered flag at a perspective angle.
Checkered Flag
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure character treads water staying afloat. <br<br>  To download this animation without the water either download the present clear .gif or go to this animation with no water by   <a href="/index.php?target=closeup&id=6492&categoryid=115&maincat=animsp">clicking here.</a>
Stick Figure Treading Water
PowerPoint Animation
A house holds an umbrella as it checks for a downfall. This clip-art can represent having insurance for your home.
House Holding Umbrella
PowerPoint Animation
A walking house pushes a shopping cart. This clip-art can represent someone house-shopping.
House Pushing Shopping Cart
PowerPoint Animation
A mouse cord connects to a bag to represent online shopping.
Online Shopping
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure cooking steaks on a flaming grill.
Stick Figure Cooking On Grill
PowerPoint Animation
Two stick figures enjoy a conversation while drinking their cups of coffee.
Stick Figure Coffee Table Talk
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure sitting down in a chair.
Sitting Down In Chair - (Non Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure standing up from chair.
Get Up From Chair- (Non Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
Two green arrow circle a house symbol. This clip-art can represent many things, such as a re-occurring debt.
Arrows Circling House Symbol
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure uses an adjustable wrench to turn a bolt. This clip-art can represent using the right tool for the right job.
Stick Figure Turning Bolt
PowerPoint Animation
A digital device syncs its data to the cloud. This clip-art can represent syncing, restoring, and backing-up information to a remote source.
Device Syncing to Cloud
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure screwing in a screw.
Stick Figure Cranking Screwdriver
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure knocking on a door.
Knocking On Door
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure walk holding four big bags of goods.
Walking With Shopping Bags
PowerPoint Animation
A blue stick figure peddles his bicycle.
Bicycle Racer Peddling
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure uses a computer.
Working On Computer
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure opening up a door peeking out.
Door Peek Out
PowerPoint Animation
In this animations a stick figure works out by doing some dip exercises.
Stick Figure Doing Dip Exercises
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure exercises by doing some pull ups.
Stick Figure doing Pull Ups
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure DJ mixes up some tunes by scratching on turntables.
Stick Figure Dj Mixing on Turntables
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a pair of stick figures next to a house sliding a puzzle piece back and forth.
Puzzled House Workers
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure has fun dancing.
Stick Figure Dancing
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure exercises by performing toe touches.
Stick Figure Doing Toe Touch Exercise
PowerPoint Animation
Two stick figures have a heated conversation in this animation.
Stick Figure Heated Argument
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure puts energy into a piggy bank. This clip-art represents an individual saving energy.
Stick Figure Saving Energy in a Piggy Ba
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a surveillance security camera scanning back and forth.
Camera Surveillance Scanning
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a surveillance camera with an eyeball in the middle looking around.
Camera Spying Big Brother
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure repairing the roof of a house.
Stick Figure Hammering Roof House
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a stick figure pounding nail into ground.
Stick Figure Handyman Pounding Nail
PowerPoint Animation

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